Monday, September 14, 2009

control freak.

i think i struggle with the issue of control a lot. it shows its ugly face in almost every aspect of my life. im not talking about control as in i lose control and get all crazy or anything. i just find it very very very difficult to let things go. its something i have to work on, fosho. i'd much rather be in charge. haha, i'd rather do everything by myself instead of letting others help me. major control freak right here, people.

i also get really upset when things dont go my way. im just really good at hiding it. except to some people. with them, i can't hide it no matter how hard i try. sucks to be you guys!

all in all, i don't know which one is better... having everything in my hands and being stressed because there's so much to do or letting things go and being stressed that things will go wrong and i won't be able to do anything about it because, once again, its not in my control.

ehh. on a different note, i want a dslr.

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